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Character Information
D.O.B 1605AoRGMK
Age 45
Status Alive
Race Great Man
Title Lord of Order
Rank Silver Helm
King's InquisitorFormerly.
Affiliation Silver Helms
Sword Bearers
Family SilasBrother

Dunewell is a Lord of Order, brother to Silas and former King's Inquisitor. He is a Silver Helm and a Lord of Order. He add his debit appearance in Fires That Forge.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Physical appearance[edit | edit source]

  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair:
  • Height:
  • Weight:

Dunewell is of the 'Great Man' race, due to both of his parents being of the Great Man/Great Woman race.

Inspiration[edit | edit source]

In the third Where did it come from? Wednesday!, R.J. Hanson states his personal inspiration for Dunewell's appearance came from Rutger Hauer's portrayal of Navarre in the 1985 movie, Ladyhawke.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Dunewell is righteous, almost to a fault. While he struggles with the prospect of killing his brother and letting the love of his life go, he ultimately puts his duties above his personal desires. As the exceedingly rare combination of a Sword Bearder, Lord of Order, and Silver Helm, he's one of the most powerful people in Stratvs. Luckily for Stratvians, Dunewell adheres to a strict moral code, making him one of the most honorable people in Stratvs.

Weapons and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Human[edit | edit source]

Lord of Order[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Heirs of Vanity Lord's of Order and Chaos
of Blood
and Bone
Whetstones of
the Will

Fires That Forge[edit | edit source]

Dunewell investigates the murders of his mother, Helen, and Killian of House Morosse. Along the way, he clears his brother Silas' name, only to realize he was wrong. When Silas became a Lord of Chaos, Dunewell followed suit and became a Lord of Order. The brothers fought and neither was able to defeat the other, leading to Silas' escape.

Bloom of Blood and Bone[edit | edit source]

Whetstones of the Will[edit | edit source]

Stalking Shadows[edit | edit source]

Family and Relationships[edit | edit source]

Family Tree[edit | edit source]


Interactions[edit | edit source]

The following is a list of all known and named characters Dunewell is known to have interacted with in any way at some point time.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The inspiration for Dunewell's alias, Rutger stems from the same inspiration for his physical appearance; Rutger Hauer's portrayal of Navarre in the 1985 movie, Ladyhawke.[1]
  • Silas refers to Dunewell simply as "Dune".[2]

See Also[edit | edit source]

v • d • e
Lore of Stratvs
v • d • e
Culture and History
Language Thieves Cant
Lineages Lineage of Assassins • Lineage of Lethanor • Lineage of Lord Ivant • Lineage of Ozur
Timelines Timeline of Stratvs
v • d • e
Fauna • Flora • Locations • Materials • Names • People • Races
v • d • e
Guilds and Organizations
Lord of Chaos • Lord of Order • Shadow Blades • Silver Helms
v • d • e
Disputed Isles
Cities and Towns Ashoguro
Cities and Towns JunTeg • Thorvol Capital City
Bays, Lakes and Rivers Kellfeld Lake • Shrov Bay
Kingdom of Lethanor Info symbol.png
Cities and Towns Bolthor • Dalloth • Gallhallad • Glenntheen • Ivantis • Janis Port • Modins • Moras • Ostbier • Split Town
Homes and Buildings Blackstone Hall • Blood Hair • Broken Plow • Con’s Garden • Flagon Foam • Fordir • Lower Market Street • Lupern’s Inn • Marble Flagon • Noble’s Rest • Pauper’s Garden • Sanctum Lacra • Sani’s Pot and Table • Silver Helm Academy • Solwar • Stamdon • Swan a’Flight • Whaler’s Rest
Bays, Lakes and Rivers Olithyn
Other Nolcavanor • Stonebeard Clan • Suthiel • Vessen • Whynne
Cities and Towns Vanthor • Skult Capital City
Homes and Buildings
Bays, Lakes and Rivers Pennes
Other The Marshes
Cities and Towns Broken Time • Dead Horse • Fate's End • Wodock
Homes and Buildings Bloody George’s • Horse Eater’s Walk • Mariner’s Fair • Raven’s Nest
Bays, Lakes and Rivers
Other Champion’s Rest
Blue Tower • Degra • Elgellund • Greif's Pass • Lavon
Blood Sea • Kolvic Sea • Sea of Asunder • Sea of Coins
v • d • e
Major Characters
Female Lady Dru • Lady Evalynne • Mandurelle
Male Dunewell • Eldryn • Isd'Kislota • Jonas • Lord Slythorne • Lynneare • Maloch • Morosse, the Spike Thumb • Sir Roland • Silas
v • d • e
Centaurs • Kellmarshee • Slandik • People of Tarborat • Ussa • Zepute
v • d • e
Bellik • Centaur • Common Man • Elf • Ethywayne • Demon • Dragon • Dwarf • Drow • Great Man • Mixed Man • Ogre • Rogesh • Vampire

References[edit | edit source]